Antoine Vialle

Architect (Paris National Superior School of Architecture, 2007) and former fellow of the French Academy in Rome – Villa Medicis, he teaches, from 2011 to 2013, architectural design at the Saint-Étienne National Superior School of Architecture, before joining the Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Mobility at the EPFL - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in 2013. His current research activities focus on the infrastructural landscape and on the perception of territory, both in physical space of urban development and in the graphic space of urban representations. Since 2015, he is developing a PhD in the Laboratory of urbanism — EPFL, under the supervision of Paola Vignano.
Antoine VIALLE, Léo BIÉTRY, « L’infrastructure comme support, seuil et cadre : Essai de (re)définition », in Inès LAMUNIÉRE (dir.), Objets Risqués : Le pari des infrastructures intégratives, Lausanne : Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, 2015
Antoine VIALLE, Saclay – Panorama : Paysages superposés, Paris : Kaiserin Éditions, 2014
Antoine VIALLE (dir. de la rédaction), Ars Memoriæ / Je suis vu, je ne me vois pas : Penser une histoire par son espace, Lausanne : Éditions A.Type, 2013