Guest Lecturer

Actor, stage director, coach public speaking
BAT-B Actor, stage director, coach public speaking

    Anne Schwaller

    Before taking an interest in theatre, Anne Schwaller trained as a pianist at the Conservatory of Fribourg. She began her theatrical training in Belgium, at the Institut des Arts de Diffusion (IAD), then completed it in Lausanne at La Manufacture, under the direction of Yves Beaunesne. After graduating in 2007, she met Gisèle Sallin, director of the Théâtre des Osses the same year. For six seasons, she worked actively with the troupe of the Théâtre des Osses in Givisiez, not only on stage but also around the stage, getting involved in all the trades that make up a theatre.

    Parallel to her work as an actress, she is also interested in directing. In 2010, she assisted Gisèle Sallin in directing Molière's Les Femmes savantes; in February 2011, she was Philippe Adrien's assistant for the direction of La Tortue de Darwin, by Juan Mayorga, a Théâtre des Osses production. In autumn 2012, she directed her first production with Léonce et Léna by Georg Büchner at the Théâtre de Carouge. This was followed in 2015 by the production of On ne badine pas avec l'amour by Alfred de Musset, which travelled throughout Switzerland the following year. In 2016, she adapts Shakespeare's Hamlet for two actors. In 2018, she signs the show Claudel(s), a theatrical encounter between Paul Claudel and his sister Camille Claudel.

    Since 2014, she has been collaborating with Julien Chavaz in the creations of the Fribourg lyric troupe, Opéra Louise. Their latest creation is entitled Moscow Paradise, based on the work of Shostakovich.

    Anne Schwaller also develops another facet of her work, focused on pedagogy and transmission. Since 2010, she has been a public speaking coach and gives public speaking workshops at La Manufacture.


    Anne Schwaller

    Events & Albums

    • On the billboard

      Where and when to see the graduates and students on the Swiss and foreign stages

    • 14.11.22

      14.11 - 28.11.2022

      Public speaking workshop

      Monday 14, Tuesday 15 and Monday 28 November 2022
      Coach: Anne Schwaller
      Registration deadline: 24 October 2022

    • 18.11.22


      HEP - Art oratoire : prendre la parole en public

      Vendredi 18 novembre 2022
      Coach / comédienne : Anne Schwaller
      Horaires : 8h30 à 12h et 13h à 16h30

    • 28.03.22

      28.03 - 11.04.2022

      Public speaking workshop

      Monday 28, Tuesday 29 March and Monday 11 April 2022
      Coach: Anne Schwaller
      Registration deadline: 7 March 2022

    • 10.03.22

      10.03 - 24.03.2022

      Public speaking workshop

      Thursday 10, Friday 11, Thursday 24 March 2022
      Coach: Anne Schwaller
      Registration deadline: 17 February 2022

    • 10.02.22

      10.02 - 04.03.2022

      Public speaking workshop

      Thursday 10, Friday 11 February and Friday 4 March 2022
      Coach: Anne Schwaller
      Registration deadline: 20 January 2022

    • 01.02.22

      01.02 - 15.02.2022

      Public speaking workshop

      Tuesday 1, Wednesday 2 and Tuesday 15 November 2022
      Coach: Anne Schwaller
      Registration deadline: 11 January 2022

    • 15.11.21

      15.11 - 06.12.2021

      Public speaking workshop

      Monday 15, Tuesday 16 November and Monday 6 December 2021
      Coach: Anne Schwaller
      Registration deadline: 25 October 2021

    • 09.11.20

      09.11 - 23.11.2020

      POSTPONED - Public speaking workshop

      Monday 9, Tuesday 10 & Monday 23 November 2020
      Coach: Anne Schwaller
      Registration deadline: October 12 2020

    • 24.11.20

      24.11 - 15.12.2020

      POSTPONED - Public speaking workshop

      Tuesday 24, Wednesday 25 November and Tuesday 15 December 2020
      Coach: Anne Schwaller
      Registration deadline: November 3 2020

    • 14.05.20

      14.05 - 28.05.2020

      CANCELLED: Public speaking workshop

      Thursday 14, Friday 15 and Thursday 28 May 2020
      Coach: Anne Schwaller
      Registration deadline: Monday 27 April 2020

    • 04.05.20

      04.05 - 18.05.2020

      CANCELLED: Public speaking workshop

      Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th and Monday 18th May 2020
      Coach: Anne Schwaller
      Registration deadline : Monday April 6 2020

    • 16.11.18


      HEP - Prendre la parole en public : formation en art oratoire

      Le vendredi 16 novembre 2018,
      de 8h30 à 12h, 13h à 16h30 / 7 heures
      Journée de formation HEP-VAUD pour enseignants

    • 02.02.17

      02.02 - 03.02.2017

      Public speaking Workshop

      Public speaking workshop Thursday 2, Friday 3 February and Friday 3 March 2017
      Coach: Anne Schwaller
      Registration deadline: Thursday 12 January 2017