Queenie Fernandes

The graduation show of the class D of the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance class, choreographed by Mathilde Monnier in 2020, will be broadcasted online on Wednesday, May 19 at 8pm.
11.02 - 14.02.2021
Class D students of the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance present their graduation show, created by French choreographer Mathilde Monnier.
Gathered despite the health crisis related to Covid-19, the promotion D of the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance, the 2019 class of the Master in Theatre as well as the 6th class of apprentice technicians, of which La Manufacture is the professional school, were celebrated on Monday, October 26, 2020.
Les étudiant.e.s danseur.se.s du Bachelor en Contemporary Dance, promo D - présentent leurs solos de première année en public, les 21 et 22 mars 2018.
The students of the 4th promotion of the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance present their graduation show, A Dance Climax, created by the French choreographer Mathilde Monnier.
22.05 - 25.05.2019
Les étudiant·es du Bachelor en Contemporary Dance, promos D et E, présentent leur spectacle de fin d'année à La Manufacture puis à l'ADC à Genève, avec des chorégraphies de Trisha Brown, Alix Eynaudi et Gregory Stauffer.
[BA-Danse, promo D]
Les étudiant·es de la promo D participent cette année encore Camping, plate-forme internationale de workshops.