20.12.23 - 21.12.23 | La Manufacture, salle 120 |
Les parcours libres sont pour les étudiant·es l’occasion d’explorer un univers théâtral personnel. En groupe, ils proposent un court parcours de jeu axé sur la création et l’interprétation.
This work of construction of an artistic proposal in autonomy and in a collective punctuates the end of the Bachelor in Theatre's 2nd year of studies. The implementation of personal projects is an integral part of the teaching delivered at La Manufacture, which aims to train actors capable of participating actively in the creative process.
Students perform their projects in public, then present the creative process orally before a jury in a private defense. They are evaluated on its dramaturgical construction, its elaboration, its artistic context and its inclusion in personal artistic concerns.
The students in class N have been divided into 3 groups to create 3 short plays which will be presented to the public on Wednesday 20 and Thursday 21 December 2023:
— Zoé Simon, Mathis Josselin, Lorna Dessaux, Louise Crouzet, Gabrielle Pialoux
— Tobia Giorla, Marie Fuhrer, Enora Cini, Claire Danalet
— Lisa Giudice, Bilgi Sahin, Yohann Thenaisie, Emile Renaudot, Louis Balan, Noam Azouz
La Manufacture, salle 120
Free admission - booking essential
The bar is open from 6:30 pm. In the event that the performances are sold out, a waiting list will be available on site 1 hour before the start of the show.
Bachelor Théâtre · class N
Noam Azouz, Louis Balan, Enora Cini, Louise Crouzet, Claire Danalet, Lorna Dessaux, Marie Fuhrer, Tobia Giorla, Lisa Giudice, Mathis Josselin, Gabrielle Pialoux, Emile Renaudot, Bilgi Sahin, Zoé Simon, Yohann Thenaisie
Online information session for candidates for the Master in Scenic Arts audition.
Online information session for actors applying for the Bachelor Theatre auditions (in French)
Online via Zoom, no registration required
11.06 - 19.06.2025
In June 2025, the Class N students will present ‘Zucco’, their graduation show, in Lausanne, then on tour.