BA-Danse · Promo F : Bachelor Work - Adina Voldrabova
The 3rd year students in the Bachelor's programme in Contemporary Dance present their final year work.
This creative work is carried out independently and consists of the conception, production and public presentation of an artistic proposal lasting around fifteen minutes.
Images: ©Gregory Batardon
Intention note
«...something pulled him there, perhaps the soothing timelessness that lingered in dark corners, slow cycles of plant life and the tireless work of crickets, the deafening silence.»
(Chyba, Marek Šindelka, 2019)
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additionally you are invited to encounter the disparate jumble and step into the gap site around this location 46°31’32.9»N 6°35’50.7»E
- get curious and watch your steps -
Your Sweet Love - Lee Hazelwood
14:31 - Global Communication