Guest Lecturer

MAT-22 Scenographer

    Neda Loncarevic

    After obtaining a Master of Arts from the University of Geneva, I trained as a set designer in the old-fashioned way, ‘on the job’, working in the construction workshops and on the sets. In 2002, I was able to enrol in the set design course at the École Cantonale d'Art du Valais and submit my final project for a CFC in set design. My professional path has taken me through some wonderful encounters, with directors such as Charles Joris, Muriel Imbach, Nathalie Sandoz, choreographer Jasmine Morand, and more recently Claire Deutsch, Anna Lemonaki, Guillaumarc Froideveaux, Zuzana Kakalikova and others. I've always sought to develop my skills and broaden my knowledge, venturing into the different areas of set design while cultivating my passion for live performance. For me, that's what being a set designer is all about: renewed curiosity, perpetual research and constant evolution.
