Where and when to see the graduates and students on the Swiss and foreign stages
17.02 - 18.02.2021
The 3rd year students of the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance invite you discover their graduation work in solo and small groups.
26.05 - 02.07.2021
The students of the E class present their graduation show, a program in two parts, each composed of an original creation of 30 to 40 minutes.
The students of the E class present their graduation show, a program in two parts, each composed of an original creation of 30 to 40 minutes.
Meet the graduates of the 2021 classes of the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance, the Bachelor and Master in Theatre, and the CFC Techniscéniste.
Four graduates of the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance present an improvised show during the four-days long Temporalis Festival organized by the HES-SO.
11.06 - 12.06.2021
The 3rd year students of the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance, promotion E, invite you to discover their graduation solos in a new context: different places until now forbidden to access around the Lausanne train station.
The 3rd year students of the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance present the stage part of their Bachelor works, solo choreographic creations.
Video recording of the solo
Password : solos2021
The class E (3rd year) of the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance became acquainted during one week with the performance-installation developed by the choreographer Fabián Barba in 2014.
10.12 - 11.12.2019
Deux mises en lecture proposées par les étudiant·es du Master Théâtre, orientation Mise en scène, ce mardi 10 et ce mercredi 11 décembre à 19h
22.05 - 25.05.2019
Les étudiant·es du Bachelor en Contemporary Dance, promos D et E, présentent leur spectacle de fin d'année à La Manufacture puis à l'ADC à Genève, avec des chorégraphies de Trisha Brown, Alix Eynaudi et Gregory Stauffer.
Présentations des solos de 1re année de Bachelor en Contemporary Dance, promotion E
Photos : Gregory Batardon