14.02.24 - 15.02.24 | La Manufacture, Salle 120 |
The 3rd year students of the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance invite you discover their graduation work.
To obtain the Bachelor's degree in Contemporary Dance, students must complete a two-part dissertation at the end of their studies: a theoretical part, which involves writing a Bachelor's dissertation, and a practical part, which involves devising, producing and publicly presenting an artistic proposal lasting around fifteen minutes.
This creative work is carried out independently, and each student will dance his or her solo on one evening only.
La Manufacture, salle 120
Wednesday, February 14, 19h
Alice Gratet
Judit Waeterschoot
Paula Ramis Muñoz
Terra de fuga
- Entracte -
Annaïk Juan-Torres
Qui t'as dit qu'on ne change pas
Nyala Simpson
Goutte de sel Bleu
Sira Aymerich i Besalú
I felt a Funeral, in my Brain
Jeudi 15 février, 19h
Cyan Huescar
The traces we'll leave behind
Adina Voldrabova
Tomorrow will come
Jasmin Sisti
Ingrediente grezzo della fede
- Entracte -
Gaëlle Jeanbourquin
ACT I : J34NN3 D'4RK
Baptiste Homère
ACT II : Golax et l'Imperoratrix
Isam Abad Montalvo
Free entrance - Booking essential
The bar is open from 6:30 pm. In the event that the performances are sold out, a waiting list will be available on site 1 hour before the start of the show.
Bachelor in Contemporary Dance · class G
isam // Isabela Del Carmen Abad Montalvo, Sira Aymerich i Besalú, Alice Gratet, Baptiste Homère, Cyan Huescar, Gaëlle Jeanbourquin, Annaïk Juan-Torres, Paula Ramis Muñoz, Nyala Simpson, Jasmin Sisti, Adina Voldrabova, Judit Waeterschoot
11.06 - 19.06.2025
In June 2025, the Class N students will present ‘Zucco’, their graduation show, in Lausanne, then on tour.