11.02.25 | Online |
MArS |
Online information session for candidates for the Master in Scenic Arts audition.
This new course will welcome its first intake of students at the start of the 2025-2026 academic year. The Master's degree is aimed at graduates or practitioners in the fields of scenography, stage direction or choreography who wish to refine or develop their personal artistic approach, broaden their interdisciplinary skills and strengthen their professional foundations as project managers.
Presentation programme
25.03 - 27.03.2025
The 3rd year students of the Bachelor Theatre, promotion N, invite you to discover their graduation works created in autonomy.
28.03 - 29.03.2025
Students from the O year of the Bachelor's in Theatre present the fruit of their work with director Anne Montfort.
11.04 - 16.04.2025
The 1st and 2nd year students in La Manufacture's Bachelor's degree in Contemporary Dance invite you to discover the fruits of their creative work with choreographers Mark Lorimer, Stavroula Siamou and Sophia Rodrigues.
26.05 - 27.05.2025
The 2nd year students of the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance - promo H invite you to discover their stage creations, created in small groups.