BA-Théâtre · Class L : Workshop with Oscar Gómez Mata and Esperanza Lopez
The 3rd year Bachelor Theatre students (class L) worked with the two directors for five weeks on the figure of the jester. The objective was to work through a text from the classical repertoire, namely Molière's "L'Avare".
Workshop led by Oscar Gómez Mata and Esperanza López
With the class L students of the Bachelor in Theatre : Bénédicte Amsler, Délia Antonio, Angèle Arnaud, Emilie Cavalieri, Emeric Cheseaux, Olivier Debbasch, Lou Golaz, Vivien Hebert, Ali Lamaadli, Naïma Perlot-Lhuillier, Loubna Raigneau, Etienne Tripoz
Pictures : Gregory Batardon